*live facilitated virtual offerings*
THE CORE COURSE: An Introduction to Social Justice for Educators
An intensive seminar designed for school personnel who seek to deepen their understanding of and commitment to equity, inclusion, diversity and social justice along lines of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and ability. Participants must be willing to reflect deeply in ways that may challenge previously held assumptions and worldviews.
Series includes email follow-up after each session and access to our online drive with homework readings, handouts, and other resources.
Description & Content
The series employs:
Small and large group discussion
Structured exercises
Readings, videos, and reflective journaling
Homework to prepare participants for each session
Educators will be provided with the “Education Justice Assessment and Transformation Tool: A Vision for Classrooms, Schools & Districts (EJATT)” to help guide their efforts to apply their learning to transforming their practice.
Max 36 participants. Four 4-hour days. All four sessions required.
Educators will:
Come to understand their own social identities, biases, and prejudices
Increase their knowledge about the histories and present realities of various social identity groups
Increase their awareness of social justice concepts such as “implicit bias” and “microaggressions”
Begin considering how to incorporate this knowledge and awareness into their practice by using the EJATT
Recommended for use alongside our other learning courses.
EJATT | Education Justice Assessment & Transformation Tool Deep Dive: Planning for Action
The EJATT Deep Dive supports educators in transforming their classrooms, schools, and districts for equity and justice in six areas: Knowledge, Biases, & Beliefs; Relationships & Climate; Teaching & Leaning; Images, Celebrations & Events; Behavior & Discipline; and Policies & Procedures. Participants will collaborate to assess how they are doing in each of these areas and begin planning to make their schools and districts more equitable and just. Series includes email follow-up after each session and access to our online drive with homework readings, handouts, and other resources.
16 training hours (8 virtual 2-hour sessions or 4 virtual 4-hour sessions) OR á la carte
HEJATT | Higher Education Justice Assessment & Transformation Tool Deep Dive: Planning for Action
The HEJATT Deep Dive supports colleges and universities in transformation for equity and justice in five areas: Knowledge, Biases, & Beliefs; Relationships & Climate; Teaching & Leaning; Images, Celebrations & Events; Safety & Conduct; and Policies & Procedures. Participants will collaborate to assess how they are doing in each of these areas and begin planning to make their colleges and universities more equitable and just. Series includes email follow-up after each session and access to our online drive with homework readings, handouts, and other resources.
16 training hours (8 virtual 2-hour sessions or 4 virtual 4-hour sessions) OR á la carte
Stand alone 2-3 hour workshops to help you better understand specific social identities and social justice concepts.
The Social Justice Primer: A Brief Overview
The Social Justice Primer is a brief introduction to key social justice theories and concepts including:
• Social identities such as race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and ability
• Privilege and oppression
• The four levels at which privilege, oppression, and change manifest
• Implicit bias
• Microaggressions
The workshop ends with concrete ideas for how you can show up in more inclusive and socially just ways in your life and work.
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Understanding Implicit Bias
Understanding Implicit Bias introduces participants to the concept of implicit or unconscious bias. Participants will:
• Reflect on their own implicit bias
• Learn where their bias come from
• Learn why implicit bias matters
• Learn how implicit bias affects how we treat others, specifically through microaggressions
• Learn how implicit bias affects or policies & practices
This workshop ends with concrete ideas for how participants can begin interrupting their implicit bias.
Note: This workshop can meet the requirements from the Michigan Bureau of Professional Licensing (LARA) for health care professionals. This training is required for initial licensure and license renewal. Our workshop covers all the requirements in the Public Health Code-General Rules R 338.7704 standards.
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Understanding Race & Racism
Understanding Race and Racism introduces participants to the concepts of race, racism, and racial justice. Participants will:
• Learn what exactly race is and why we call it a “social construct”
• Learn the different racial groups in the United States and how/why these groupings have changed over time
• Reflect on their own racial identity and how it has shaped their life
• Learn what exactly racism is and how it manifests at the individual (implicit bias), interpersonal (microaggressions), institutional/systemic and cultural levels
• Learn how privilege and oppression manifest
This workshop ends with concrete ideas for how participants can begin working for racial justice and antiracism in their lives and work.
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Understanding Class & Classism
Understanding Class and Classism introduces participants to the concepts of class, classism, and economic justice. Participants will:
• Learn exactly what class is and how income, wealth, education, and other factors shape our class positions
• Learn about the class landscape in the United Sates
• Reflect on their own class position and how it has shaped their life
• Learn about the relationships between race and class
• Learn what exactly classism is and how it manifests at the individual (implicit bias), interpersonal, institutional/systemic and cultural levels
• Learn how privilege and oppression manifest
This workshop ends with concrete ideas for how participants can begin working for economic justice in their lives and work.
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Understanding the LGBTQIA+ Landscape
Understanding the LGBTQIA+ Landscape introduces participants to LGBTQIA+ identity. Participants will:
• Learn the meaning of sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and related terms (including unpacking the LGBTQ+ alphabet)
• Learn the importance of pronouns and consider how to best use them
• Reflect on their own sexual orientation and gender identity and how they have shaped their life
• Learn what cis-heterosexism is and how it manifests at the individual (implicit bias), interpersonal, institutional/systemic and cultural levels
• Learn how privilege and oppression manifest
This workshop ends with concrete ideas for how participants can begin working for LGBTQIA+ justice in their lives and work.
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Understanding Disability & Ableism
Understanding Disability and Ableism introduces participants to the concepts of disability, ableism, and disability justice. Participants will:
• Learn about the medical v. social model of disability
• Learn about the diversity and prevalence of disabilities
• Learn about the relationships between disability and other social identities such as class and race
• Reflect on their own ability status and how it has shaped their life
• Learn what ableism is and how it manifests at the individual (implicit bias), interpersonal, institutional/systemic and cultural levels
• Learn how privilege and oppression manifest
This workshop ends with concrete ideas for how participants can begin working for disability justice in their lives and work.
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Understanding Gender & Sexism
Understanding Gender and Sexism introduces participants to the gender, sexism, and gender equality. Participants will:
• Learn what gender is and why it is a “social construct”
• Learn about the binary gender system
• Reflect on their own gender and how it has shaped their life
• Learn what sexism is and how it manifests at the individual (implicit bias), interpersonal, institutional/systemic and cultural levels
• Learn how privilege and oppression manifest
This workshop ends with concrete ideas for how participants can begin working for gender equality in their lives and work.
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Understanding Adultism
Do you remember being a young person? Do you remember what it was like to have little say over how you spent your time, where you went, what you learned, perhaps even what you wore? Do you recall feeling that the only emotion you were allowed to express was joy, positivity, or neutrality? Do you recall what it was like to not be allowed to have or express your own opinions or have any control over your own body or needs?
Understanding Adultism introduces participants to the idea that children and youth in our society experience significant oppression. Participants will learn what adultism is and how it manifests at the at the individual (implicit bias), interpersonal, institutional/systemic and cultural levels.
This workshop ends with concrete ideas for how participants can begin working to disrupt adultism in their lives and work.
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Understanding Sizeism & Healthism
Our understanding of health and wellness have transformed tremendously. This workshop provides the most up to date scientific evidence that illuminates the harmful effects of health and physical education curriculum that unknowingly perpetuates sizeism, healthism and anti-fat bias.
The workshop addresses the common myths about fat, diet, exercise, and athletics, the history and harm of BMI, The American Academy of Pediatrics 2023 recommendations for children’s weight loss, and what we can do to create safe and inclusive spaces and experiences for all bodies.
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Understanding Critical Race Theory
What is actual Critical Race Theory? What are the goals of the anti-CRT movement? How should justice-minded educators and school leaders respond to the pushback they are experiencing? This short workshop provides foundational understanding of the CRT backlash for educators to help them make sense of the current moment as they pursue equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice in their schools.
Suggested Time: 2 hours
An Introduction to Social Justice for School Boards
What does it mean to create schools that foster diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice so that all students are safe and successful? In this 90-minute introductory session you will consider the purpose of education, learn about the many dimensions of diversity, and better understand the role of school boards in supporting DEI work when it comes to educators’ own Knowledge, Biases & Beliefs; Relationships & Climate; Teaching & Learning; Images, Celebrations & Events; Behavior & Discipline; and Policies & Procedures.
2 training hours
8 to 20 hour workshops that meet over many sessions to deepen learning, reflection, and action in community.
The Core Course: An Introduction to Social Justice for Educators
An intensive seminar designed for school personnel who seek to deepen their understanding of and commitment to equity, inclusion, diversity and social justice along lines of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and ability. Participants must be willing to reflect deeply in ways that may challenge previously held assumptions and worldviews.
Series includes email follow-up after each session and access to our online drive with homework readings, handouts, and other resources.
16 training hours
The Advanced Course for Educators: Deepening Awareness
The Advanced Course is for educators who have completed the Core Course and would like to continue learning and growing personally and professionally when it comes to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice. Participants will continue deepening their personal learning about racism, sexism, and classism and will come to better understand systems of oppression by learning about how sizeism, adultism, and Christian dominance also manifest in schools. In addition, educators will gain confidence in using socially just language and will improve their skills in interrupting bias and bigotry with students and colleagues. Series includes email follow-up after each session and access to our online drive with homework readings, handouts, and other resources.
16 training hours (8 virtual 2-hour sessions or 4 virtual 4-hour sessions)
White People Working for Racial Justice
White People Working for Racial Justice is an affinity group space specifically designed for white people committed to racial justice to lean together, ask questions, make mistakes, work through defensiveness and guilt, and examine fears without burdening People of Color in the process. It invites white people to do the deep work required to claim and embody an anti-racist identity, understand the privilege they carry, and interrupt racism in their lives and work.
16 training hours (8 virtual 2-hour sessions or 4 virtual 4-hour sessions)
People of Color Working for Racial Justice
People of Color Working for Racial Justice is an affinity group space superficially designed for Black, Indigenous and other people of color committed to racial and social justice. Participants will learn the history of race and racism in the United States, explore their own internalized racism and bias toward other People of Color, understand how they can have privilege even as they experience racial oppression, and engage in practices to help in their personal growth and healing.
16 training hours
The Systems Course for Educators: Creating Change Beyond the Classroom
The Systems Course is for educators who have *completed the Advanced Course or the EJATT Deep Dive* and want to understand and advocate for education justice beyond the classroom. How are schools funded? Why do they remain so racially and economically segregated? Is what we’re doing actually best for students? What would it look like to change the system? Who is advocating for such change? This course supports educators concerned about the big picture of education justice in America.
16 training hours
Healing the Pain of Teaching for Social Justice: Somatics Workshop
The individual and collective grief and trauma educators have endured the past several years has taken an enormous toll on our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. The relentless demands on our time, energy, finances, and health have created an epidemic of stress, depression, and unregulated nervous systems that need attention, care, and healing. The quick fixes from the Industrial Self-Care Complex are not working. Instead, we want to provide a space for educators to gather to explore mutual & collective care and accessible resources that respond to our acute needs. We believe Healing the Pain of Teaching for Social Justice answers the call for help.
Working for social justice in schools is a life-long passionate endeavor. Our justice journey requires collective care, skills that address and dismantle the culture of grit, grind, and exploitation, and the capacity to hold space for honest and vulnerable conversations that address the pain, joy, grief, trauma, and rage educators are experiencing in the system of education. Healing and recovery are necessary components that sustain this important work. Join us as we cover topics that cultivate space for educators to gather in collective care and explore the transformative practices of individual and cultural healing.
8 training hours
Stand alone workshops to practice showing up for social justice.
Interrupting Bias & Apologizing: Skill Practice
Interrupting Bias and Bigotry is an opportunity for participants to practice the skills of interrupting microaggressions and biased and bigoted comments. Participants will also learn and practice the art of authentic apologies for the inevitable times we all make mistakes. Participants increase comfort and skill in showing up for justice.
4 training hours (1 virtual day)
Socially Just Language: Skill Practice
“Words Create Worlds!” As Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice movements move…so does language! Explore the current terminology that is best practice among those working for intersectional justice in our schools to create a more just world. Recognize how language does interpersonal harm, sustains institutional oppression, and shifts as culture learns more. Understand how your own terminology can be kept up-to-date, and move your language from violent idioms toward more compassionate and just expressions. Find out how learning new language actually re-writes our brains to use new patterns. Practice your skills and discover ways to interrogate how powerful your language can be as a tool to disrupt microaggressions and to lift up those who are historically made vulnerable by systems of oppression.
Suggested Time: 2 hours
Stand alone workshops to improve relationships and climate for social justice.
Interrupting Bias & Apologizing: Skill Practice
Interrupting Bias and Bigotry is an opportunity for participants to practice the skills of interrupting microaggressions and biased and bigoted comments. Participants will also learn and practice the art of authentic apologies for the inevitable times we all make mistakes. Participants increase comfort and skill in showing up for justice.
4 training hours (1 virtual day)
The Relationships Initiative for Students
Learn how to implement The Relationships Initiative–a handbook of over 70 relationship building activities and lessons divided into 9 topic areas–in your classroom, school or district. Explore how The Relationships Initiative is structured, learn why relationships are so significant to learning, practice the activities, and start making your specific plan for implementation!
training hours vary
Beyond Anti-Bullying: Cultivating Compassionate Classrooms
Many parents, teachers, administrators, and school counselors, report feeling confused and incompetent to effectively address the epidemic of relational aggression (bullying) in our schools. Gossiping, whispering, exclusion, code-words, hot & cold treatments, and social hierarchy are prevalent in children’s relationships as early as kindergarten. Numerous anti-bullying campaigns have been insufficient to address the complex dynamics interwoven into the power dynamics present in so many social cliques and larger classroom and school climates.
Beyond Bullying provides educators and parents the foundational information to understand the multifaceted dynamics of relational aggression and the tools that can address and reduce the harm students are experiencing with their peers.
3 training hours
The “Ropes Course”: Building Trusting Relationships So You Can Get to the Work of Justice
So often the work of equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice is hindered as a result of toxic relationships and negative cultures within organizations. The “Ropes Course” helps you cultivate relationships of trust, honesty, and communal care within your organization so that we can get to the work of making the world a more just, inclusive, and equitable place. This workshop helps participants:
• Live into and utilize guidelines for justice
• Practice generous listening
• Engage in productive dialogue rather than contentious debate
• Cultivate empathy
• Identify and work through emotions
• Disrupt blame culture
• Accept and give feedback
• Apologize when harm occurs
• Build relationships of respect and collaboration with colleagues
training hours vary
The Crisis in the Classroom: A Comprehensive Tool Kit Addressing the Social Emotional Crisis in Schools
Descripion forthcoming
Stand alone workshops to improve holidays, heritage months, spirit weeks, and library collections for social justice.
Diverse & Just Books: Helping Students See Themselves and Others Through Diverse Literature
Diverse Books helps preschool and elementary educators identify why it is essential to diversify literature, the kinds of books that exist, how to choose good books for students, how to prepare themselves to read them, and some tips for scaffolding student learning.
2 training hours
Socially Just Holidays & Heritage Months
Socially Just Celebrations and Holidays guides educators through the 10 principles of planning holidays and history months that are socially just, move beyond stereotyping, and empower students from all backgrounds.
2 training hours
Doing MLK Day Right
Across the country schools celebrate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in an effort to keep his legacy of fighting for racial and economic justice alive. And yet, all too often schools celebrate this day in surface ways that do not help students deepen their understanding of that legacy. We believe that by the end of a student’s K-12 education they should have had the opportunity to deeply study the philosophy, speeches, and writing of Martin Luther King, Jr. If year after year you find yourself asking students to “share their dream” and notice that what they come up with is not connected to issues of justice, join us to consider how you might celebrate MLK Day in a better, more just, and more enriching way that scaffolds student learning across grade level.
2 training hours
Stand alone workshops to cultivate supportive student communities.
Discipline Data Deep Dive
The Discipline Data Deep Dive helps you look at your referral, suspension, and other disciplinary data through the lens of social justice. Who is getting sent to the office? Who is doing the sending? And why? And what are the consequences? Get a better understanding of the specific discipline challenges your school faces and begin creating a plan of action aligned with what the data reveals!
hours vary
Eliminating Subjective School Rules
Description forthcoming
Restorative Practices
Description forthcoming
Stand alone workshops to plan lessons and grading aligned with justice.
A RRIDE: Lesson Planning for Social Justice
(Aligned Objectives & Assessment, Rooted in Relationships, Relevant Social Justice Concepts, Interesting Pedagogy & Skill Practice, Diverse Social Identities, Empowering for Identity Development & Action).
A RRIDE: Lesson Planning for Social Justice guides educators through the A RRIDE lesson planning process so they can create lessons that further social justice learning for students. A RRIDE lesson planning centers social justice concepts, identity development, action, and harm reduction to cultivate a new generation of youth knowledgeable about inequity and committed to making the world more just.
6 training hours
How to Teach Standards for Justice
Description forthcoming
How to Teach "The Awesome Kids Guide to Race"
Description forthcoming
Stand alone workshops to help cultivate a system that can support social justice.
Building & Sustaining Equity Teams & Justice Squads
Building Equity Teams & Justice Squads guides educators through the Equity Teams & Justice Squads Section of the Education Justice Assessment & Transformation Tool (EJATT) so they have the knowledge, skill, and reflective practice to form a successful team of Justice Leaders ready to take action in their school or district. We highly recommend that participants come with a partner or team from their school or district. Note: The Core Course is a mandatory prerequisite for all team participants.
3 training hours
Sustaining Equity Teams is a follow up check-in designed for people who have completed the Building Equity Teams course.
2 training hours
Hiring for Social Justice
Explore the “Hiring & Retention” section of the EJATT more deeply. What should job postings include? How do we diversify our applicant pool? Who should be on the hiring committee? What questions should we ask in the interview? How do we know if the answers to our questions are any good? How do we retain diverse staff committed to social justice one we hire them?
2 training hours
Toolkit for Responding to Pushback
In the past two years there have been increasing attacks on equality, equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging, and social justice in schools: the anti-“CRT”movement, bans on books, silencing educators who
support LGBTQIA+ youth, and pushback to eliminating racist school mascots. The effects of such dehumanizing efforts have been profound.
We believe that now, more than ever, having a body of educators who care deeply about social justice and who have the skill sets to make our schools more equitable and just will be essential as we move forward as a society.
We want to support you in your education justice efforts by providing guidance for responding to the pushback by providing you with the resources and skills you need.
4 training hours
Communicating for Social Justice
Description forthcoming
Stand alone workshops to support your journey.
Sustaining the Work of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice
Description forthcoming
Healing the Pain of Teaching for Social Justice: A Somatics Workshop
Description forthcoming
Coaching & Consulting
Justice League
Justice Leaders Collaborative will hold regular space for participants in your school or district to come together to share best practices, bounce ideas off of each other and JLC facilitators, and build and sustain community with other educators committed to social justice. This is a loosely structured opportunity to sustain the work of justice in your specific school or district.
Ongoing monthly meetings
Coaching & Consulting
Designed for individuals and leadership teams who are seeking an opportunity to consult one-on-one with one of our expert co-founders. We offer coaching and consulting in a package with other training series and as a stand-alone.